To really clean up at least one Euro just once. At least a little bit. Five musicians and performers take on the attempt of escaping their personal entanglement in world-wide flows of capital, by laundering their own money. Ideally they’d like to borrow all the money from all the banks, launder it, and then return it. While at it, why not build a treatment plant, so- mewhere in virtual space, to clean up all the big international streams of capital. – Alas, even the first harmless cent from a children’s piggy bank can’t be perched of the traces of corruption, war, colonialism, exploitation, arms exports, and genocide. Nevertheless, every possible method will be tried: Singing so beautifully that every coin simply must become clean in the process; washing cycles in washing machines of various decades – including a Miele from 1903; reflecting on one’s own financial biography; burying banknotes for while (just in case); shaking coins in a balalaica.
An evening between comedy and despair, absurdist theater and sound installation – for everyone who hasn’t given up their yearning for an even better idea than global capitalism.